Very nice
Make an similar assistant with this
Since Adobe is not supprooting this app, this should be removed, it's not working and it's useless
I love this concept but I was unable to get this application to connect. It just hangs.
Beta program?
Camera hardware access stopped working. Now Camera Api is showing us "upload a file" - I double checked all my code.. html js css xml.. nothing. ItWas working before.
Well, actually the software itself is fine, but after dived into hybrid for half a year, I'm can't say it's better for performance wise. I guess I'll stick to native.
Keeps downloading i don't know what
Superb software. Acts as an emulator for the Phonegap development
So many people doesn't understand how to use this app , first install the desktop version and then connect to android version(if you're stupid please shut up)